1. All information submitted to 'Eze as Pi Productions Limited' is confidential with the staff and company.
2. None of the information submitted is shared with ANY other company, business, organisation or 3rd party persons. Unless expressly authorised by yourself.
3. The only sole purpose for the information submitted is that of contact between yourself and 'Eze as Pi Productions Limited'
4. If response is made,
via newsletter updates or a devoted email from a certified 'Eze as Pi Productions Limited' email address (e.g. info@ezeaspi.com), the information exchanged will still be treated as confidential unless otherwise stated.
5. IF any of your data should be in the process of being shared with any of our partners (E.g. Street Level DMG) then you will be contacted, personally, for consent which you are fully entitled to refuse to.
Contact form designed by Dan Thornton.